Saturday 18th June 2011 – hovercrafting

Whilst I’m sat here twiddling my paws in kennels, my Master is off learning how to hovercraft. It really isn’t fair. I think it would have been better the other way round, with me doing the hovercrafting and him being in kennels. Apparently, it was his Christmas present so it is him doing it. I think it was a mistake and Santa meant for it to go in my stocking. What makes it even more unfair is that Shadow has gone on the trip with them. That’s because she might come into season and my Mistress needs to know exactly when it starts. I tried saying that I might be about to come into season, but as I said it I realised it didn’t sound overly convincing.

Our English readers will be more aware of the process for applying for Olympic tickets that those of you in more exciting places. We, along with much of the rest of the country, applied for tickets to a number of events. We have been waiting for my Master’s credit card bill to see if we got any tickets. Given that the amount of money taken from the credit card is for about 5% of the total amount it could have been, we are thinking the tickets may be for back row of the post event sweeping up or some other event that we didn’t apply for. We have to wait another week or so before we will hear what have they have given us. As it turns out, it’s going to cost more to get to London than to see whatever event it is. Given that dogs aren’t allowed to compete I thought we should boycott the event altogether, but it seems it is only us dogs that will be boycotting it.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind