Friday 27th May 2011

My Mistress is tempting fate. In the absence of enough spare garden to plant the seedlings in, she has put them into pots. There are two concerns that I have, but she won’t listen. Firstly Shadow has already been caught nibbling the edges of a marigold. Does my Mistress really think she is going to stop there? Secondly, they really are ‘pots’ not wooden planters or plastic containers and they are perched on top of a wall. Three active dogs (active being a euphemism for overexcited and energetic!), four pots and one garden wall. Do you know the song ‘ten green bottles’? Well I’ve changed the words slightly. “5 large plant pots, standing on a wall, 5 large plant pots, standing on a wall and if one large plant pot should accidentally be knocked off by the dog, there’d be 4 large plant pots standing on the wall.” Do feel free to join in with the words once you think you’ve got the hang of them.

Granny and granddad have gone home, but fortunately we have replacement visitors arriving so there will still be enough strokes to go round. It’s always good to have more people than dogs around and I find a ratio of two to one is better to make sure someone is always willing to give you some attention.

The roses on the front are coming on well. My Mistress must be part of a union. They seem to have worked on the basis of ‘one out, all out’ and are now flowering beautifully, putting her into an early lead in the competition. I just hope she hasn’t peaked too soon. At this stage my Master is saying it is only because she didn’t prune hers hard enough and his will catch up, but she still seems quietly confident.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind