Sunday 8th May 2011 – The dogist world

Yet again the dogist world comes to the fore and we were left behind here while my Master and Mistress went to London. It wasn’t that they didn’t think I might like to see ‘Les Miserables’, but the theatre only allowed assistance dogs and despite the fact that I assist my Mistress to be much happier than when I’m not around, apparently that isn’t good enough.

It was my Master who wanted to go to see the musical. I’m waiting to hear whether my Mistress enjoyed it or not. She did a deal that she would go to that if he would go to see ‘The Mousetrap’ with her. That one sounded as though it was much more my thing too, but they didn’t take dogs either and to be fair most of the hotels in London don’t. I really do need to work on getting myself re-categorised, but then I don’t know how one person could justify having three assistance dogs all to herself. At least when my Mistress goes away next weekend we get to stay at home and look after my Master. It’s funny at the moment, all their plans are made subject to the possibility of last minute changes if Shadow comes into season. It is all getting quite exciting waiting for it to happen. My Mistress keeps thinking of all the things she needs to have done in preparation.  There is bound to be something that she’s forgotten. I just hope it isn’t anything important.

I’ve been spending my time, in between naps, organising the Dog Show we are having at this year’s village Fun Day. There are going to be five categories ranging from ‘dog with the waggiest tail’ to ‘dog with the best trick’. It was good fun last year and we are hoping to have more entrties this year, which will either make it even more fun or total chaos!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind