Saturday 12th March 2011

I had not bargained on the fact I would have to come to kennels on my own for the weekend. I should probably have thought about it, but I was rather thinking that as I am so easy to look after I might be able to stay with friends or even look after myself. To be fair my Master has explained it is only for a short while and it was fairly miserable having the house to myself for much of the day yesterday, but I miss my home comforts when I come into kennels. I will get spoilt so it won’t be all bad and there aren’t any girls in the way of me getting all the attention, so I guess that’s a bonus. I’m not used to it being my Master taking me. He isn’t as soppy when he says goodbye. It’s a much more matter-of-fact “Bye Alfie. Have a good weekend.” Without the last minute cuddle and being told how much I’m loved and how much I will be missed. As I dog, I don’t need to do the manly bit. I can cope with the adoration. I just hope my Master remembers to put everything I’ve asked for in the car. Obviously I want the computer, but I’ve got a couple of books and a magazine and some music. I’m reading Your Dogs magazine at the moment as it has an article about my breed. There isn’t actually a caption, but one of the photos is of my dad and I want to be able to show it to my friends in the kennels.

It is exciting to think it is only another week until I will see a lot of my breed as we have a fun day next weekend. I don’t know exactly how many of the 17 of us are going but I think quite a good number. It will be fun to meet the puppies at last.