Sunday 26th December 2010

A very happy birthday to my Master. Megan got all excited thinking we would all be having more presents today, but I explained to her that she had presents on her birthday and today it was my Master’s turn. He hasn’t actually opened them yet so I can’t tell you what they are, even though I helped with the wrapping.

I did help my Mistress set up the new screen she had for Christmas for the computer. It is brilliant. She has had to move one or two things off the desk to make room for it, but the effort was worth it.

I felt very sorry for Shadow yesterday. It isn’t often I say that. She was feeling down as she is no longer in touch with either of her parents. She does stay in touch with her brothers but has not real idea where her mum and dad are. Her mum is somewhere in Austria, but that is a bit vague. Both Megan and I are in touch with both of our parents and it does seem a little unfair. I think with being in season and thinking about having puppies of her own it has been on her mind more. I have reassured her that we won’t lose touch with her puppies when she has them. I will help her with the computer so she can still talk to them after they move away. Hopefully they will all stay in this country too, so she should get to see them regularly. The Entlebucher family is relatively small in this country so it’s easy to stay in touch. I may have made things worse rather than better as she reminded me that two of her brothers are moving abroad this year too, so she won’t see so much of them either. I gave her a bit of a hug. It was all I could do. I guess Christmas can be a bit like that for people.