I spoke to Quinnie earlier in the week and the good news is that her puppies are growing really well. She is a little apprehensive about this weekend as there are lots of people going to meet her that are going to give homes to her puppies. From what she said, I don’t think she’s going to be very happy to see them go. As a dog you go out into the world at such a young age. It really is very difficult, particularly for your mum. It’s obviously easier if you don’t go very far away so that she can still see you sometimes. It made me feel a bit emotional thinking about my own mum who I haven’t seen for quite a long time. One of Quinnie’s puppies won’t be too far away from her, but the others are heading to places in different parts of England. At least they will all still be within the same country.
Yesterday I was given a brand new rubber chicken. Today, Shadow has decapitated it. I haven’t even had any chance to play with it. My Mistress said that this is the very reason she’s stopped buying us that type of toy, but it really isn’t fair as I don’t destroy things and it is me that likes that type of toy. I didn’t even get a look-in while it still had its squeak and that is one of the best bits.
We have some friends of my Mistress’s coming to stay this afternoon. We have all been told to be on our best behaviour because there will be two small boys. I think we have agreed that it might be best for Shadow to go out and leave me and Megan to be the welcome party. Shadow was less than impressed with the suggestion but when there’s all three of us it can be a bit overwhelming particularly if you are only three!