My Mistress has got it into her head that maybe we could stay in bed a little longer in the morning. She sat Megan down and explained the plan. Because my Mistress was very tired she wanted an early night and didn’t want to be woken until the alarm went off at 7. DO you think Megan understood? More to the point do you think Megan cooperated? She first of all chose that night to be sick at 11.40, well after my Mistress had gone to sleep. Now I have always been taught to be sick either on the tile floor where it is easy to clear up or on the rug that will go through the washing machine. I have done my duty and tried to pass this learning on to Megan, however I have failed. She chose to go under the bed to be sick and make it as hard as possible for my Mistress to do the clearing up. Still, I suppose it was better than the night that my Mistress got out of bed and stepped in it! So that was one end of the night. Then Megan got up at 5.40 and said she needed the toilet. Due to the concern that she may not be well, my Mistress crawled out of bed to take her out. She wanted to play. She is certainly not ill and is just being a non-cooperative dog! I told her that unless she was going to be a bit nicer to my Mistress I was going to make her sleep in her own bed.
My Mistress was very excited yesterday as she went to have coffee with another writer friend. I got myself ready, presuming I would be included and was most upset to be asked to baby-sit the girls while my Mistress went out. I’m a writer too. I’ve got things to talk about. If I can attend a church meeting I can have coffee with a writer!