Oh the excitement we had the other day. One of James’s friends arrived saying that there was a tree down at the end of our road, blocking the road. James went to have a look and rang home very excited. My Mistress couldn’t do a lot about it as then the Tesco’s delivery arrived, with the driver complaining that he had to come the other way and then reverse down our road. By the time my Mistress had dealt with the shopping, James had rung the council and finding them closed had rung the police. His only worry was that the police lady had asked for his name and address. We reassured him that it was ok to give his details as he hadn’t done anything wrong. Half an hour or so later someone turned up to cut the tree up and take it away and everything went back to normal, but it was exciting for a time.
Shadow has moved up to the top class in her obedience training. What I can’t work out is how come she is doing so well out of the house but is still so difficult to live with. Anyway she has also made it onto the agility team so she is really pleased with herself and even more annoying than usual. I’m looking forward to seeing how well Megan does when she joins the classes.
Why don’t humans understand that we dogs enjoy the finer things in life just as much as you do? My Mistress found me on the patio with my nose into one of the blooms of the patio rose, breathing deeply to take in its scent. My Master said I was probably thinking about peeing on it, which is most unfair. I don’t have to think about that, I just do it! I was actually enjoying the wonderful fragrance. I have my softer side too.