I told you the saga of the Listerine which my Mistress only needed to make an organic mildew spray, well, when she went to the garden centre to buy a large spray container, it turned out to be much cheaper to buy their ready made organic mildew spray, so she did. This now mean we have some spare Listerine. The question is, should she put it in the bathroom with the household things or in the garden store with the gardening products? She also found lots of other nice things in the garden centre including a blackberry bush and a blueberry bush. Shadow and I have been given a lecture on who exactly the fruit is for and if we are good we will be allowed a little of it when it is ready. Worryingly I don’t think Shadow was giving the lecture her full attention.
One rather alarming job was undertaken yesterday. The compost bin was moved. When we put all those decomposing bits of vegetable in the bin I don’t think my Mistress was expecting to see them again quite so soon. However, the wood store needs to go where she had put the compost bin and it wasn’t possible to move the full bin. Shadow wanted to play in the mess while my Mistress worked, but as a result we were shut indoors out of harms way. I could still smell it from the office window and I have to say it isn’t a scent which would sell well. I was lying on the floor reading my Mistress’s new ‘grow your own drugs’ book. It looked like quite a good option but most of the contents were fairly innocuous. I do now know which of the garden plants to nibble to aid my digestion and which will calm me down when Shadow is getting on my nerves. I don’t think there is anything strong enough to calm Shadow down.