Just in case you don’t already know about it I though I’d tell you about an internet site that my Mistress has found called www.freecycle.org You can give away things you don’t want to people who can make use of them and if there is something you fancy you can have a look at what other people are giving away. It all started when a friend said she was just trying out her new pizza oven. So my Mistress had a look at the site and is already offering things for which we have no further use. Let’s be honest here, we are trying to combine the junk from two houses into one and that’s an awful lot of junk. My Mistress is normally a hoarder. She of course forgets what she is hoarding and when something breaks she buys a new one. It is only when she moves house that she finds she now has three coffee machines for example. Corkscrews are taking over the house, which given how many bottles come with screw tops is a rather pointless situation, although one that seems to have a high degree of emotional attachment.
My Mistress’s cousin is coming to stay on Sunday night. They spoke on the phone a couple of days ago and her cousin asked who she was going to meet. My Mistress ran through the humans with her but may have overlooked mentioning Shadow and me. I hope that the cousin likes dogs! I’ve promised to be on my best behaviour just in case.
Today is the day that our broadband connection should start working. It should originally have been last Friday but there was a technical problem – they hadn’t processed the order! Anyway we have had a confirmation letter this time so my Mistress is optimistic. She needs to get it working so that Andy can play on the computer while she and my Master do some unpacking and sorting out.