Sunday 8th November 2009

I was reading a very tragic story the other day that did have its funny side. Sadly there was a man who went on the rampage at a military base in the US and killed twelve people. The bit that made this tragic event amusing was that the man was actually the military psychiatrist, the very person that other people would have been sent to if they had a problem. You’ve got to think that if the psychiatrist has resorted to such desperate measures then there is a big problem somewhere. Of course for the families of those that were killed the irony would be wasted and I send my deepest sympathies to them.

The effigy of Katie Price that was being burned on the bonfire in Kent seemed in poor taste when it turned out that it was at the same time that Katie was at the bedside of her eight year old, disabled son, who was in hospital with suspected swine flu. There is a moral in there and I think that would be that making fun of people is never a good thing to do, however ridiculous you might find them as a person. Particularly where celebrities are concerned, it is all too easy to forget that there is a person underneath with feelings and emotions of their own. Making fun of oneself is always acceptable however and to be honest I’m still going to make fun of my Master, my Mistress and Shadow as I consider them fair game. Although I wouldn’t go as far as wanting to burn any of them on a bonfire, at the end of the day I love them all too much.