With all the furore about MP’s expenses and so many of them standing down before the next election, now seems to be the time for the Pet Dogs Democratic Party to launch itself on the world. I was wondering whether to put myself forward at the next election and see just what percentage of the vote I could pick up. As a dog, I can assure voters that my expenses would be limited. I suppose I might pick up one or two kennel fees for staying in London, although if I were to rent a house down there I can see that it would soon add up. I could sit through the debates in Parliament as well as the next person and I’m sure I wouldn’t be found napping any more than the other back benchers. It has got to be worth some consideration.
Shadow doesn’t seem to be a deep thinking dog. She’s much more superficial than I am an in many ways much more doggy. I think she’s more of the bimbo of dogs. She’s very pretty and she can get away with murder with her looks, but when it comes to exercising the grey cells, she’s hardly up there with the greats. Thankfully, she has shown no inclination to learn how to use the computer and on the whole doesn’t sit still in one place long enough to concentrate on any lessons. She’s the sort of dog that is likely to pick up obedience training and do as she’s told without questioning whether simply obeying orders is the way forwards. Now I can see from a human perspective that that approach might have it’s attractions, but surely the whole point of us being your best friend is so that you can have a decent conversation with us.