It seems that England is not so very different from Belgium. On Saturday, my Master and Mistress arrived at the kitchen showroom that they needed to go to at 3.20pm, only to find it had closed at 3pm. I said to them “Look on the bright side, if you’d gone at 11.45am it would have closed at 11.30.” Although to be fair, I’m not sure why that would have been any worse. They came home instead via the garden centre and bought some more stones to block off the bottom of the fence for Shadow. It now looks as though we have the beginnings of a dry stone wall forming an inner boundary inside the fence. Shadow took it all in her stride and just started digging in front of the stones.
From how I reacted on our walk, my Mistress thinks there may have been a bitch on heat going that way. I don’t know exactly what it was, but the smell was just amazing and gave me the perfect excuse to pull my Mistress through a great expanse of thick squelchy mud.
If the weather stays fine for a few more days, it is vaguely possible that the muddy bits will start to dry out. The ground is definitely somewhat on the soft side around here at the moment, making the digging far too easy. My Mistress has, in her optimism, brought some grass seed to sow on the bear bits of our garden, but she isn’t sure how to keep us off long enough to give them time to grow. The problem in this instant isn’t just Shadow and her holes. It’s me running up and down the fence barking at the world. It’s the running, rather than the barking that causes the problem, although my Mistress seems to want me to do something about the barking too.