Playing tug on a constant basis outside is not a problem to anyone. We run about and then flop down when we get tired. However, the wet weather causes two problems. Firstly there seem to be muddy paw prints everywhere and I do mean everywhere. They are on the bed clothes and my Mistress’s jeans and the kitchen floor and the settee. The second problem is probably worse than the first. If we can’t run around outside, we start running around inside and that seems to wind my Mistress up when she’s trying to work. There she is trying to quietly edit a chapter of a book and there we are running round her chair playing tag. We have totally shredded the last rubber chicken that was bought for us. In fact if I’m being honest, we’ve shredded every rubber and soft toy except my reindeer and Shadow’s Dumbo. We’re like small children; we can play for hours as happily with broken toys just as much as we can play with new ones.
I missed watching the Eurovision song contest at the weekend. It’s not the same now I can watch it in my own language. It was much more fun when it was on a choice of ten different television stations with none of them being in English. I suppose the biggest shame of missing it this year was the fact that the United Kingdom managed, for the first time in a long time, to score rather more than ‘nul points’. They changed the voting system this year and it is probably an indication that votes were never safe in the hands of the masses and that democracy is basically a flawed system, but I don’t suppose the politicians will be hurrying to draw that conclusion.