I’m starting to get anxious waiting for news of my sister’s litter. It makes me feel very grown up to think of my sister having puppies of her own. It makes me feel a little bit sad too, thinking about the fact that I would like to have my own puppies and can’t. Still, I’m making a good surrogate parent to Shadow and when she comes to have her own puppies I will look after them with equal enthusiasm. Of course the thought of being jumped on by a whole litter of small puppies is quite a daunting prospect but I’m sure I’ll take it in my stride.
The other exciting event coming up is that I shall be meeting with quite a number of the other Entlebuchers that live in the UK next month. At last my Mistress has made some progress with starting a club and the committee are meeting to get things moving. Now don’t get me wrong, it is not the committee meeting that excites me. It’s the fact that the committee own six Entlebuchers and we will all get to have a bit of a play together. I hope they’ll want to play as a couple of them are eight years old, but I shall make up for that. What I really want is for all the Entlebuchers that there are in the UK to get together so that I can meet Shadow’s three brothers too.
This week won’t be without its excitement. I have to go to the vet on Friday to accompany Shadow and make her feel a bit more confident. It makes me feel quite important to have a role in helping. I am presuming that the vet won’t actually do anything to me while I’m there. I’d hate to find that I’d been tricked and was going on false pretences.