Decisions on the new extension are not going well. My Mistress has set her heart on something that doesn’t seem to be available and she’s not god at being disappointed. It seems the kitchen she had decided looked nice is not of good enough quality and the ones that are good enough quality don’t come in the colour she wants. It also seems that kitchens are a bit like weddings. They are an excuse to stick several extra zeros on the end of the price. Do you think it is any coincidence that both are purchases made by women with the heart rather than the head? If you fall in love with something, you are much more likely to spend the annual income of a small third world nation to secure it. Such is the nature of the commercial world. It really is so much easier being a dog. Do I care if the kitchen units have a gloss or matt finish? Do I worry about having the oven at a height that avoids bending? Do I want a built in dishwasher? I can answer all of those with a ‘no’. I just want a nice quiet spot for my bowl and an endless supply of dog food to go in it. I don’t need lots of cupboard space to keep it all in and to be honest whether it is wood finish or ‘a modern colour’ is something I leave to cats and other vain creatures. I do think that my Mistress would be well advised to have a kitchen that doesn’t show fingerprints, pawprints or mud splatters though.