Strangely February has all but disappeared and spring is on the way. You’ve got more chance of finding the green shoots of recovery in the fields around where I live than you have in the economy, particularly if you ask the Royal Bank of Scotland, who have managed to lose more than most people are ever likely to have. Surely they know where it’s gone? You can’t just lose sums like that. Well evidently they did and they must be proud to go into the record books for making the biggest loss on record. I always thought that you were supposed to aim for good things in setting records! By contrast there are evenly spaced plants coming up in the fields. I thought they looked a bit like dandelions but my Mistress says they aren’t commonly grown as a crop. It was lovely yesterday being able to go on my favourite walk again, for the first time in ages. The traveller who was living along the side of the track has moved, at least temporarily and whilst I got on just fine with him, his dogs used to get into an argument with me every time I went past, so my Mistress said we’d walk somewhere else for a while, until I could learn not to retaliate. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to be learning not to get into arguments so I have had to wait until they move house.
In her renewed determination to succeed, my Mistress has sent her novel off to literary consultants and has moved on to researching Emmeline Pankhurst for a poem she has to write. She asked what I was going to be working on. I just looked at her. When you say ‘working’ just explain to me again what you mean.