My Master does not learn his lessons very quickly. Once again he left a sandwich unattended and was surprised to find the top slice of bread had disappeared. I was very good, I only had the one slice and didn’t start on the meat. I would have gone back for that but as it turned out, I didn’t get the chance. The door was firmly closed with me on the outside and the sandwich, or what was left of it, on the inside. My mistress is the one I feel sorry for as they have once again changed a recipe of one of the ‘Free From’ products she eats. No longer is it quite as free from as it used to be and cherry bakewells are about to disappear out of my diet, a sad loss for both me and my Mistress.
The sun has been shining and I could be forgiven for thinking that spring is in the air. I’ve had a good look and I can’t see very many ‘green shoots of recovery’ going on. I thought I might write to the Prime Minister and ask where his friend had been looking when she saw them the other day, but I’m sure if I leave it a few weeks they’ll start to appear here too. My Mistress did say she was surprised at how quiet the shopping centre was when she went yesterday. I said that maybe everyone was at home in their gardens looking for some green shoots.
What is exciting is that my favourite walk is back to normal again. A very muddy sort of normal but at least there are no dogs to have an argument with as we walk past. I didn’t mind the chance of a good argument but it meant my Mistress stopped taking me that way, which was a shame. Now we just have several inches of mud to contend with.