Well it’s finally here, the day when you can look back and reflect on all the resolutions you failed to keep last year and renew your commitment towards them, in the hope that somehow this year you will have more will power. My Mistress had an idea, but I’m not sure any of us are up for adopting it. How about if everyone in the household could ask each of the other people to make a resolution that would make them easier to live with? So my Master might ask my mistress to be less grumpy and he might ask me to stop jumping up when I get excited. James might ask me to lie down on command and so on. That way for at least the first few days of January, everyone in the house is more considerate to the needs of the others in the house. If we go ahead with it, I might ask my Mistress to be more generous with the scraps I get.
My Mistress’s resolutions for herself this year are all around her writing. She wants to make sure that more of her work is published this year. I asked if my writing was included but she said I would have to make that resolution my self as she was going to be quite busy with her own work. I’m not sure whether to put my efforts into getting the Pet Dogs Democratic Party manifesto published or whether to push my diary harder first. I can see the manifesto filling a niche market but it would be awful if people didn’t take me seriously. I’d be no better than some of the other political parties if that happened. A leader needs respect rather than derision. If I published it, do you think I could have an impact on the other parties with them starting to adopt some of my policies? I think I’d quite like the Labour Party to adopt the minimum wage for working dogs as a central issue for next year’s queen’s speech.