Saturday 27th December 2008

What a week. People arriving, people leaving, half the time I don’t know where I am. Sadly today Jack my dog cousin is going home. It’s been great having him around. We’ve settled into quite a nice pattern of companionship. It’s been good to have an ally when faced with the complexity and if it isn’t too strong a word, stupidity of the human race. Give us a squeaky toy and we are happy for days. We don’t need things that involve screwdrivers and batteries. We don’t get bored attacking the same rubber chicken for several days on end. Nor for that matter do we make as much noise as children or leave as much mess, if you disregard the muddy pawprints all over my Mistress’s trousers when I’d been for a walk without her and was very pleased to see her when I got back.

Having Jack around has at least helped my Master to see that when I have my little harem it won’t necessarily be bedlam all the time. Oh, we’ll have our mad moments but for the most part we will simply be companions, pottering round together and napping contentedly in each other’s company. There may be a bit of a muddy paw problem, but that comes of living in the country and isn’t solely a dog problem in this household.

My Master’s birthday yesterday was quite fun. I didn’t even mind not being able to go for the meal in the evening, given how little sleep I had achieved over the previous few days. It just felt odd when they came home without my Mistress and explained she was sleeping at the pub, because we’ve run out of beds. She was back this morning before they were all up, so it wasn’t too bad, except for having to sleep in the kitchen because my paternal grandparents were in our room.