Oh you’d have laughed yesterday. Thursday when we woke to lots of snow, James was off school ill and my Master was working away. No one needed to move a car off the drive. Although there was a bit of a thaw during the day, it all froze again over night and our drive was like an ice rink. An ice rink on a thirty degree slope. Yesterday when both my Master and my Mistress needed their cars, by the time they had spent half an hour digging the drive and defrosting the cars, it made absolutely no difference. Unless they wanted the cars to go sideways in a dodgems like motion, they weren’t going anywhere. My Master’s back wheels dug nice holes in the gravel, but that was the extent of the movement. They tried putting cardboard under the wheels. I watched the cardboard skid round and fly out at the back. They tried with table salt, but let’s face it, having less salt in your diet means you are unlikely to have enough in stock to salt the whole driveway. In the end, they had to wait a couple of hours until it had thawed some more then got our landlord’s help with a barrow load of sand. The entertainment continued because the barrow was rusty and was more hole than barrow and the sand was all coming out of the bottom as it was wheeled.
After all that fun, with me smugly watching, I wasn’t expecting to find myself packing to go to kennels today. Why haven’t I been invited to my Master’s Christmas Party? I would have looked good in a tuxedo. I could have accompanied my Mistress, or my Master for that matter. I wonder if I’d have to have worn a dress to go with my Master?