Oh dear, I’m in trouble. I got a bit enthusiastic about seeing my Mistress yesterday. It wasn’t that it was a long time since I’d seen her, I think I’d just been to the kitchen and back and was glad she was ok while I was away. Anyway, in my enthusiasm, I accidentally head butted her on the nose. There was a bit of a crack and we both thought I’d broken it. It’s just a bit swollen and painful, but I don’t think it’s actually broken. At least I hope not. She’s certainly feeling a bit sorry for herself and is not quite so happy to meet me at my level. Ah well, I suppose I can see her point of view.
We’ve been doing some work up at the new house, my Mistress and I. I’m the security dog. I have to walk her home in the dark. Our road is very dark. There are no street lamps and despite the fact that she’s got a torch and uses it to cast some great scary dog shadows, the only person she’s frightened so far is me! I turned round and saw this shadow dog and wondered why I hadn’t been able to smell it. She’s suggesting putting our own street lamp in the front garden to make it a little more hospitable and I have to say I’m all in favour of that.
Over the last few days we’ve had a number of phone calls from people interested in getting a little dog like me. I sit listening to my Mistress telling people about what we’re like and sit there crossing my paws that she’s going to say something nice. She always does, so I don’t really know why I worry so much.