Ok, it’s the revenge of the computers. I’m sorry I said at least it wasn’t mine that wasn’t working. Although technically it still isn’t mine that is broken, it turns out that my email account has got a little broken in the process. I’m hoping that the nice man in Edinburgh is sorting out my email, while the nice man in India is trying to sort out my Mistress’s computer.
As if the computer problems weren’t enough, I think we need a nice little person to sort my Mistress out too. One minute she left the house to take James to school yesterday and the next she was back again and lying down on the hall floor because in her words ‘the whole world had started spinning’. It was a good job my Master was at home to take over. From my point of view it was a bonus having someone to snuggle up on the bed with, but the downside was a reduced walk and a very quiet day. I wonder if dogs ever suffer from vertigo? I don’t think I’d fancy it very much. It might stop me chasing my tail quite so vigorously.
She did manage to ring the Kennel Club on behalf. It was really funny; she had about four questions to ask and ended up having to be put through to four completely different departments. Each one did manage to answer their question but it was a very odd process. She wants to register a kennel name for when we have the other dogs and start to breed from them. Perhaps most importantly she wants to know how many dogs need to be registered before they will issue a breed standard. It wasn’t good news; there are 8 of us now and there need to be 20. I’m not sure where we are going to find the others?
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk