Saturday 23rd August 2008

Shadow on 5th April 2009

Having finally finished telling you about the Norfolk Broads I can begin telling you about the log cabin. How cool is this, from a dog’s perspective? I arrived to find a welcoming party of two rabbits sitting on the drive and a squirrel in the garden who comes to knock at the window when she’s hungry. Incredibly, she prefers chocolate biscuits to nuts. I prefer nuts. As we were given a packet of chocolate biscuits with the cabin, I suggested that every time she brought me an acorn, then I would bring her a chocolate biscuit crumb in exchange. It struck me that was quite a good deal, but she just fluttered her eyelashes and said “I bet you’ll give me the chocolate biscuit with or without the nuts.”

There are a few rules that I’m not so keen on. For a start I’m not allowed in the bedroom, which quite frankly is a prime example of dogism. There is no notice to say that I’m not allowed in the hot tub, so if I could have overcome my dislike of water I would have been able to have a bit of fun. It was very odd seeing my Mistress get in and be attacked by jets of hot steamy water. Fortunately she didn’t want rescuing, which is a good job as I preferred rolling in the mud. I’d like it if it was hot steamy burbling mud, but then I wouldn’t be in England as I don’t think we have any of that near here.

It hasn’t reminded me quite so much of our forest in Belgium as it’s mainly pine trees but I like it just the same. This time next week I shall be in our Belgian wood. That really will be exciting. I hope Elvis is free to come for a walk, I haven’t got round to sending him an email yet.