Having recently taken the trouble to write a lengthy letter of complaint to a hotel about the standard of its accommodation, my Mistress was delighted to receive a fairly rapid response. The reply included a point by point apology together with the reassurance that they will rectify the problems. It also included an offer of two nights for free. As my Mistress said, whilst that may appear a generous offer why would you want to go and spend another two nights in a place that made you miserable in the first place?
I’ve been starting to get together the things I need for my holiday. I’ve got my bed, my food and my rubber chicken, so that covers the essentials. I’ve also got the frisby, a towel and my lifejacket. I went to get my rug off the bed when I got a horrible shock. “Who’s dyed my rug orange?” I shouted. It was a nice pale blue before, now it’s a yucky orangey brown colour on the back and on the writing. My Mistress looked at me apologetically. She didn’t think dogs were supposed to be able to see in colour, so she put it in the wash with her orange trousers. Ok so we can’t exactly see in colour but I know that that particular shade of grey is a pretty light blue in the real world. It was a much nicer grey than it is now that it has been turned orange. I sulked for long enough for my Mistress to say that if it really meant that much to me then she’d buy me a new one. I think I may have lost the upper hand when I asked if I could just have the money to spend on holiday instead.