The antibiotics have done the trick and I’m almost back to feeling fit. It may of course have been my Mistress’s threat that if I still wasn’t fit then she wouldn’t take me to dog training tonight. Who would have thought that there would come a day when I would beg to go to obedience classes? I think I may have promised that if she takes me tonight, I would be really good, but then what are a few broken promises here and there? Ok, I know, breaking your word is not something to be encouraged but at the time I say I will behave I intend to follow it through. It is only later that the ‘fun gremlins’ take over and lead me astray.
After her trip to the dentist on Saturday my Mistress was a bit on the quiet side. Her mouth hurt and she was better not moving it. Then she upset everyone by showing them where her gum had been sewn back together. We’ve stopped asking how she is, but as she has started talking more we are assuming that she must be all right. The other reason I didn’t want to ask too much was in case she started thinking that I ought to go to the dentist for a check up. I’m quite proud of my smile and I wouldn’t like to lose my rather fine teeth, but I have no intention of anyone poking around and telling me that I need to floss more effectively or that I need to chew my chew for more hours a day. Quite apart from that, have you tried registering with a dentist recently? It’s bad enough as a human without having to ask what their policy is on four-legged patients.