My own fault I suppose. There I am, me and my big mouth, saying that being in prison wasn’t too bad and I did quite like being around other dogs and then the next thing I know I’m back again contemplating the same little patch of blue or grey depending on the weather conditions. Oh I remonstrated with my Mistress when she packed my things up yesterday. I tried to make her feel guilty for going to Granny’s 75th birthday party without me. I looked up at her with my big brown eyes, glistening with tears, my bottom lip quivering and I said “What do you mean I’m not included?” If nothing else it made her feel bad and she sat down with me and gave me a big cuddle. But explaining to me that I would have to sleep in the garage at my other grandparents and would then be on my own at Granny and Granddad’s because dogs couldn’t go to the restaurant, was hardly going to make me feel batter about the whole thing. Ok so I would have to have travelled in the boot but I’d have done it. I’d have done it all if it meant I could be with the family for a couple of days. She has promised it is only until tomorrow and she will pick me up first thing on Monday morning, but I hate being left out. I was a little bit cheered when she promised to get me home in time for dog training. It may be that I can use dog training to get my message over more effectively. If I’m left to spend too long with other dogs, she can’t reasonably expect me to follow human commands at the drop of a hat. Sadly, I’m so shallow that I may inadvertently do what she wants at the drop of a dog biscuit, but not a hat.