Why do school have ‘speech days’? I can understand them having prize givings but do the children really want to sit through speeches? I tried asking my Mistress and she said the school she went to didn’t have anything like that. If they had had a prize giving, she was sure someone would have stolen the prizes long before it was possible to give them out. Anyway, today is James’s school speech day so I am ‘home alone pet’ kicking my heels for a couple of hours until they get back. It was funny seeing my Mistress get dressed up smart. I can’t remember the last time she wore something other than trousers. I was almost starting to forget that she had legs under the denim.
A St Bernard gets a barrel of alcohol and all I get is a GPS tracking device on my collar. I asked if I could have a little hip flask to go with it, for my longer treks but apparently that isn’t appropriate for a dog! This thing is huge. So far we haven’t even been able to set it up right, so whilst my Mistress has eventually conned the system into understanding that we don’t live in a village several miles away, at least whilst I’m at home I don’t seem to be giving out any signal at all. In reality I think I still give out a signal but we are too sheltered for it to be received by anyone, too sheltered or too remote, one of the other. It may just be because I curl up under the desk but we shall see when I go for a walk earlier. I’m planning to leave my ‘home’ zone, which should give rise to my mistress receiving an email and a phone text. I wonder if it will work. I’m looking forward to being able to look at where I’ve been on the map.