It’s not much fun being in hospital or so it seems. I think the moral of the story is that if you are going to need a minor but unscheduled operation, don’t pick a main holiday bank holiday week to do it. Poor Granny was put on no food on Wednesday so that they could operate on her and then at 8pm they had to find her something to eat because they decided they weren’t going to fit her operation in after all. To be honest I think the hospital staff were just trying to get their own back. Granny was trying to get help for another lady on the ward in the middle of the night. As they couldn’t find the right button to press for the nurse, Granny pressed the one for emergencies. Suddenly as if by magic a whole team of staff arrived from around the hospital to respond to what they thought was a cardiac arrest. The other lady only needed a drink of water. So I’m thinking now that the hospital will be as glad to see the back of Granny as she will of them. We’re driving down to see her later, but I’ve been made to promise not to jump on her. It’s going to be hard as I’m always so pleased to see her.
I’ve been working very hard trying to prepare my diary to send to possible publishers. Isn’t it amazing how no matter how often you read something to ‘correct the errors’ other ones creep in after you’ve finished. I think it’s the gnomes again. I suppose the ones in the wireless mouse get bored if they aren’t in use and have to find something else to occupy their time. It is also quite fun to see how many letrs you can leve out but stll be able to read the wrds. I suppose it’s a bit like snding a text msge.