I waved my little car off anxiously this morning. It has to have some new springs fitted to its back suspension and is going to a garage that it hasn’t been too before. I know what it’s like going to a new vet and it can be very nerve racking so I hope it will be ok. I wanted to go with it to make sure it was ok, but my Mistress had to drop James at school on the way to the garage and we don’t all fit inside. It is ironic that the good weather came to an end just in time for the soft top car needing the garage. I presume that they won’t drive to the garage with the roof down!
A very long time before I was born, so long ago that my Mistress was only a child, you didn’t have to go to the supermarket to buy fizzy drinks, the fizzy drinks came to you. It was a bit like having milk delivered, although I don’t think that happens very much now either. I can’t believe there used to be a butcher’s van that came round too. It most have been so much more convenient to buy everything like that than to have to go to the supermarket. I suppose it was a more specialist version of supermarket deliveries. Anyway according to my Mistress, there was a drink called Corona, not the beer but lots of strange coloured fizzy drinks that had a really good slogan. It’s advert was lots of bubbles doing their exercises and it claimed that ‘every bubble’s passed its fizzical’. I thought that was quite good really. It made modern fizzy drinks sound boring, not that as a dog I drink fizzy drinks. I couldn’t do with all the burping for a start.