Well the Ebay sales transactions have been completed and on balance my Mistress seems quite pleased. She got in a bit of a mess with the brown paper and sticky tape to parcel them all up, but she made it to the Post Office and waved them all on their way. I started looking round at my old toys to see if there was anything I could get rid of to bring in some extra bone money. ‘Slightly used chew toy now in several pieces. Needs new squeak.’ I’m guessing there aren’t going to be many bidders for that one.
We had a lovely walk yesterday. It was cooler so we went earlier in the evening. When we came round the corner back to the village, I just assumed we’d be going to the pub, so I tried to carry on. Sadly my Mistress explained that they were closed on a Monday so we couldn’t go and besides it was my training class night. That almost made up for it, although I quite like our trips to the pub.
I almost behaved myself at my training class. I say almost as I’ve still got a bit of a thing about the Golden Retriever, which led to a fair amount of barking on my part when he arrived. Then there was a Spaniel that I hadn’t met before that was quite interesting. In between my little ‘interludes’ I actually started to show that I have been listening now and again. I’m not promising to show improvement every week, but once in a while can’t do any harm. I also thought I ought to do my bit to encourage James in the value of a good education. I can argue from a much stronger position if I am taking my education seriously too.