We are close to a tragedy in this house. My Mistress has nearly run out of the sweet things that she can eat. They have changed the recipe on the biscuits she could eat and we’ve nearly run out of Belgian marzipan. I don’t know what she’s like when she isn’t getting enough sugar but I’m guessing it’s not a pretty sight! I suspect she will be left with no alternative but to start experimenting with making her own food stuffs. I wonder whether if she combined ground almond and icing sugar using some almond oil it would taste anything like the marzipan you can buy in Belgium. I suspect now is the time to try! That also means it may be the time to stay out of the kitchen.
Yesterday my Master went of to see a model railway, leaving us to watch the snow, hail and rain falling. My Mistress suggested we went for a walk but I just looked at her as though she was stupid. It wasn’t fun snow that settles and you make snowmen out of. It was wet, goes through your coat type of snow that just makes you miserable. So I sat indoors and watched it from the comfort of the warm lounge. There is no point in getting cold and wet if you don’t have to.
Today is the start of a ‘normal’ week. Although I don’t think I should say that too loudly in case the disruption gremlins here me and decide to ransack it. The children are all at school, we have no visitors and my Mistress is hoping to be able to write some more of her novel. I am hoping she will help me put my first year’s diary together to send off to publishers but I might have to talk to her nicely about that.