I sort of like trains. It was fun going on them, but then when I got off, a very big train let off steam next to me. I just wasn’t expecting all that noise and steam. It made me jump. I didn’t want to go anywhere near it after that. It was hard work trying to listen to my master telling me all about the different engines, with James moaning every five minutes because he didn’t want to be there. Apparently not everyone likes steam trains, which I find difficult to understand. My Mistress wants to go and help to drive one as her birthday present this year. I asked whether I could do that for mine, but then my Mistress pointed out it might let off steam again and asked if I really wanted to do it and I said maybe I’d come up with a different idea for this year. There were a fair number of other dogs there, so I had a good bark at intervals. We had tickets which said ‘dog or bicycle’. The man crossed out bicycle but I don’t think he really needed to. Who is going to get confused between those two? Towards the end of the day it poured with rain and my Master volunteered to go to get the car. My Mistress said ‘No you wait inside in the restaurant I’ll go. Alfie can’t go in there anyway.’ Everyone thought she was being nice, but she’d just had enough of being with boisterous noisy boys and wanted some quiet time with her dog. That’s me! She’s promised to take me back to see the trains on a day when we can enjoy looking at them a bit longer and not have someone saying ‘Can we go now?’ I’m hoping we’ll take Bella too, so that I can tell her everything my Master told me about the engines.