The day after my rabies I just felt like sleeping all day. I got away with it because I’m always like that after my rabies booster. What excuse shall I use today? I tried the weather being bad yesterday and almost managed it, but sooner or later someone is going to spot how lazy I’m being.
My mistress is trying to complete my registration with the English Kennel club. However, first she has to get some documents from the Belgian kennel club. She says she hopes it wasn’t as difficult as getting her cars transferred to being English. Even without the fact of being driven into by a Polish lorry driver, which I’ve told her I am not planning to do, she is still trying to get the letter confirming that she has returned her Belgian number plate. She can’t get the refund on the insurance until she gets the letter, the car has only been in England for 8 weeks, no rush then. At least I don’t get a different number plate when I transfer. I shall still be called Alfie at home and Einstein in official circles. I’ll be all right as long as no one expects me to come when someone shouts Einstein, it is one thing knowing that I’m called that on paper but I suppose a long pause followed by ‘Oh you mean me, why didn’t you say so?’ wouldn’t go down so well in the show ring.
This week is a particularly important week for the dog element of the household. James is going to visit the puppy who will hopefully be coming to live with us on Friday. I said that really it should be me going to check him out and give an account to the breeder of how they look after a dog, but sadly I don’t think I am included in the trip. I wonder what Sooty’s kennel name will be. I shouldn’t imagine it will be as grand as Einstein.