I demand a refund. Why is it that as the dog of the house you only ever get half of the story? I knew we were moving back to England and I knew that James would be coming to live with us but I didn’t really understand what that was going to mean to me. Oh it isn’t that they hadn’t told me that there would be another dog in the house soon. I am rather looking forward to acting as a father figure to Sooty. No, the bit I hadn’t understood was some of the implications of family life. “Why are there six twelve year olds sleeping on the floor of our lounge?” I asked my mistress yesterday morning. Her reply of “If only I knew,” was hardly helpful. If I were being fair to her, I would have to admit that this is all coming as much of a shock to the system to my mistress as it is to me. Apparently this is something called a ‘sleepover’, a bit of a misnomer if this one is anything to go by. They ought to be called ‘talk and giggle overs’. How is a dog to get any sleep round here? Although again being fair, I sleep through most things. It’s my mistress who is the light sleeper round here.
Having established that this is normal behaviour for a twelve year old, I did still have to ask if it was normal for a boy to invite five girls to a sleepover. You have to wonder sometimes! I’m not sure they were expecting to be bounced on by a dog, first thing on Sunday morning. I didn’t stay long. One twelve year old is one thing, but half a dozen at once, I’m really not that stupid! I had my breakfast and went back to bed until all the excitement had died down.