That was a close call. It’s all right to remember to pack all the things that she needs but what about me? How am I supposed to post my diary when my mistress forgets to pack my modem cable? As it turned out some nice person called ‘Alice’ has a wireless connection without any security on it, so we are simply using that. It’s funny, in some ways I suppose it is theft but we aren’t actually taking anything away. I suppose it only affects the person whose broadband connection it is, if you use so much bandwidth that they can’t do what they wanted to do. Anyway, thanks Alice. Alice may not be her real name, my network isn’t called Alfie for example, but then I’ve got security on it as well.
For reasons of which I am only partially responsible, my mistress appears to be very black and blue at the moment. She does bruise easily, and me stomping on her foot trying to chase a Jack Russell at the park didn’t help. Stomping is probably an understatement I managed to both stomp and scratch at the same time, so I drew blood and bruised it. But I didn’t do the big black and purple bruise on the back of her leg or the black one further up, and I am sure the green ones weren’t all down to me. I know it is because she is a redhead and they bruise easily, but does she have any idea how embarrassing it is to go out in public with someone who looks as though they have been in a fight? I have asked if she would mind wearing clothes with long sleeves and which come down to her ankles but she has pointed out that she is too warm. I said, “So am I in this fur and I don’t have the choice of taking it off.” She didn’t seem impressed.