Wednesday 4th July 2007

It isn’t fair. They have all their friends and family round but what about me? I just wanted a bar b q to be able to invite my brother, sisters and mum round for the day. It didn’t have to be anything fancy. I asked my mistress if she would have a look at the diary to see when we could invite them. She said there was only this Saturday, which would be much too short notice and then the next time that all of us are in Belgium, without having additional guests as well, would be 6 October. October is too late in the year for a bar b q. I was thinking of something much sooner than that. I wonder if there is any scope to negotiate with her, perhaps I could invite them all over when she isn’t here for example. It really would be so nice to see them all. I often wonder if they have grown up to have the same mannerisms as me. Do they particularly like having their tummy rubbed? Have they worked out how to use their nose and paws to make someone rub their tummy when the person had stopped? Have they learnt any clever tricks that I haven’t picked up? Perhaps most importantly have they discovered the wonders of marzipan and acorns? Not together obviously! There are so many questions I would like to ask them. What is their favourite place? Mine would have to be my master and mistress’s bed. Favourite food is marzipan. Favourite toy, I think would still be Miffy but my frisby comes close. My favourite thing to do, is to poke my head through the hedge when a horse is passing on the bridleway and make it jump. Best friend would have to be Elvis, though I don’t get to see him often enough. I would so like to see my family and find out what they like.