Friday 13th October 2006

After dropping her phone for the umpteenth time my mistress was left with little alternative but to buy a new one. She said she isn’t fussed by all the whistles and bells and just wanted one that was a phone. At least that was what she said before she went. She claims she asked the man which one had the same memory card as her old one to make it easy to transfer the information. The one she bought has a little holder that fits on to the memory card to make it the same size as her old one. That means you can put the new memory card in the old phone but you can’t put the old memory card in the new phone as without the holder it is smaller. This either means she was duped, or she fell for the fact that it is a pretty pink colour, plays music and has a really good camera. I will leave you to decide which! I have enjoyed laughing at her having to transfer all the information manually but as she said at least she can listen to music whilst she is doing it. Perhaps this would be a good time to tell her that I seem to have lost my mobile phone, maybe she would give me her old one. On the other hand as the person the other end can’t hear you talking since the last time she dropped it perhaps that would be pointless. Maybe she could get me a new one for my birthday. There is only a month to go now until my very first birthday.

I am disappointed that as yet I have not been contacted by any dogs wanting to join the PDDP. In fairness if I had been I would have some work to do which doesn’t sound like a bright idea but what is the point in being a political party and not having any members. I suppose it might help if I undertook some advertising so that it became more widely known but I am not really sure what the best means is to reach my target audience. This is going to take some more thought.