Well I wasn’t expecting that. Chloe arrived last night, all smiles and flowing hair. I found myself absolutely tongue tied and that doesn’t happen very often. “Well aren’t you going to give me a hug?” She said as I stood there with my mouth open. Well of course I was but I was so overwhelmed. I fell over her suitcase as I bounded up and we both ended up in fits of laughter. The whole leaving the holiday brochure strategically placed worked like a treat. They didn’t actually go to one of the places in it but they decided a couple of days away was just what they needed. So here she is, only until Sunday but it is better than nothing. It has also taken my mind off thinking how much I am missing out on. I can live without sunbathing, beaches and warm sea. I don’t mind that I have been left behind. Ok so I do mind but I don’t want them thinking that. At least Chloe’s owners have only gone to a city for a couple of days and although as we discussed it would have lots of exciting lamp posts to sniff, by and large from a dog’s perspective, cities are vastly overrated. You don’t get to let your owner off their lead. You have to make sure they are ready before you pull them across the road, they always seem so reluctant to run for it when there is a gap in the traffic. Worst of all they seem to think it is unacceptable to answer the call of nature. No cities are not places for dogs.