I suppose it is going to be wedding, wedding, wedding from now on! It is a good job they are getting married quite soon, I really couldn’t stand this for any length of time. I told squirrel. I was looking for someone to commiserate with, but she got all excited too. What is it with women? I have listened to more tracks of music from more bands than I knew existed, quite honestly they all sound much the same to me. Ah well maybe I am not destined to be a music connoisseur!
Now I know you may think if I can write a diary then almost anything is possible but this week has involved a four year old playing ‘I spy’ with lots of words starting with silent letters that no one else knew were there and then his ‘piece de resistance’ playing Scrabble when you can’t even spell. For most people I realise that isn’t a real handicap and they just look for words in the ‘Official Scrabble Dictionary’ but when you are four you can’t even do that. If you can’t read the words yet it is a little bit difficult to find them in the dictionary but never let it be said that Andrew lets that hold him back. I sat by trying to make suggestions of ways he could change the order of the letters to improve his score but frankly at the end of the day whether ‘fdhis’ scores more than ‘sdhif’ is somewhat immaterial.
My week also involves being encouraged to sit in front of a roaring fire even though it is 25 degrees in the lounge and I don’t even have a zip to undo my coat. Why do boys have to sit fire to things? Why aren’t they as keen to do the jobs that actually need doing like throwing my ball for me to fetch and getting my dog treats out of the cupboard. On second thoughts my mistress has had to hide the dog treats to stop them giving me too many, I wasn’t complaining but for some reason she doesn’t think it is good for my waistline. On top of that I spend my evenings on ‘Twiglet watch’. The master would never be so careless as to drop one of his precious Twiglets on the floor but the great thing about having a four year old around is that he drops food everywhere and when he doesn’t drop it accidentally he does it deliberately. I even managed to con my mistress last night into rescuing one I couldn’t reach from under the settee. I told her it was my dog-chew and I needed as otherwise I might start chewing my toys again. How gullible was she? She actually fell for my ruse. Sometimes having innocent big brown eyes can be so useful.