Tuesday 11th November 2014 – Flying a Puppy

My Mistress is trying to find out a price to fly a puppy to the UK. When you’ve not done this sort of thing before it is all rather complicated and daunting. She has read some of the web sites in detail and can’t help but think that what she’d really like to do is to sit with the puppy with her in the cabin for the journey, but as it is not her puppy and she doesn’t like flying that isn’t going to happen. For a start you need to know how big the puppy is going to be, but as she’s still growing that is not as straightforward as it sounds. Anyway, she’s asked for some quotes and is just hoping she has given all the right information. She read the Lufthansa site which is very impressive, but as they talked (and showed pictured) of the wide variety of animals… reptiles… and spiders that they transport, she became a little less keen. She wasn’t sure if she would be more alarmed being in a neighbouring area to a Tiger or a Tarantula! I said I was happy it wasn’t me that was going to be travelling.

From the number of enquiries for puppies we are receiving it seems that Discover Dogs went very well for our breed. Everyone wants a puppy. It is hard to have to tell them all that they are likely to be waiting about a year, but that’s the situation. It is the reason why being able to import one or two is so important to us. If those ones can go on to have puppies of their own it will make life a lot easier in the future. We are just hoping all goes smoothly this time for Shadow’s last litter, but you never know until it happens.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com