Monday 5th May 2014 – Of course it rains

What do English Bank Holidays have in common, apart from being Bank Holidays? Rain! To be honest calling them ‘Bank’ holiday seems a bit out dated. Banks are open on Saturdays in some places and near us some of them only open for half a day during the week. It’s funny how one industry can give its name to something like a day off. In some countries they are more accurately known as Public Holiday although ironically many of the public still work, so maybe bank is nearer. It’s even crazy here in England to call it ‘The May Day Holiday’ as May Day is the 1st of the month which was last Thursday, which was not a holiday. It reminds me of living in Belgium and my Master getting confused on which days were holidays and going to work and wondering why there were so few people around.

My Mistress is aching from the swimming she has been doing. Now she knows how I was feeling the other week. I’ve had a bit of a reprieve as Ari has needed it more the last couple of weeks, but I just know that I will ache again the next time I do go. It uses different muscles to walking, as my Mistress is finding out! I shall just say to her what she says to us ‘It will do you good!’ And that is as much sympathy as she is getting. She needs to do some weeding of the herb garden and says she is not looking forward to all the bending down. I’d offer to help, but I have a nap to take just then. On the gardening front, whilst the parsnips seemed to take forever to come through, the carrots are through already and it only seems five minutes since we planted them. Hopefully they won’t suffer the fate of last year’s cauliflowers and broccoli!

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1 Comment

  1. Alfie, on the subject of water be warned!!! Yesterday I found myself having a bath much to my disgust. I was advised that it was to make me a smart boy for the Seminar. I pointed out it was not until Saturday and I might well get muddy again by then but it fell on deaf ears. Apparently our very nice decorator Ian is coming this week and one of the rooms he will be painting is the bathroom used for dog baths. I must say I do look quite handsome. Be prepared !!!! See you Saturday, Dickens X

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