Wednesday 4th December 2013 – A reprieve

I did not have to go swimming yesterday. That was the good news. The bad news was that it was because Ari was little unwell. He may have a slight touch of pancreatitis but unlike when his mother had it, his would be self-inflicted. He sneaked into the kitchen on Saturday night and licked out all the fat that was in the tin from the bacon joint. He now regrets his actions but says he can’t promise not to do it again if the opportunity arises. He is on some tablets and a low fat diet for a few days to see how he goes on. We’re just hoping he gets better quickly and that by avoiding any high fat food he can avoid a repetition. When he goes swimming next week I will go with him. Even though he is a little unwell, he hasn’t lost his bounce – which is a good thing.

Lifetracer BannerThe banners that my Mistress ordered for her book and for the business arrived yesterday. I can’t show you the business one, but you can get the general idea as it is a bigger version of what is on the car. However this is the one for her own book. My Master is now teasing her that she has only had it done so that she can look at a really big picture of Connor, the chap who is the investigator. For some reason that escapes a dog she seems to think he is really quite good looking. To be fair the picture that was used for the cover had to be chosen to match the character she had drawn within the pages of the book – she thinks it’s pretty accurate and it makes him very real. I wonder what she would think if she met the man in real life – she’d probably be surprised he went under a different name and had no knowledge of the events in the book.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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