This week has got off to a slow start. To be fair it is coming to an end before it has really got going. I said I thought we all needed a holiday, but it doesn’t look like that will be happening anytime soon, if only from the point of view that most places will only take two dogs. They don’t place any such restrictions on children, but when it comes to dogs they seem to think two is enough. I can understand saying having a rule about the ratio of humans to dogs, but an absolute limit seems unreasonable. Anyway, it would mean us booking two neighbouring log cabins so we could all go. When I made that point my Mistress’s eyes lit up and said why couldn’t I have come up with that idea sooner. I’m not sure what she had in mind but I thought better of asking too many questions.
So far, my Mistress has planted out 73 of the marigold plants that she has grown from seed. What is unclear is exactly where in the garden the other 150 are going to fit. We like marigolds, but as it turns out that’s a good job. Homes also need to be found for a large number of chrysanthemums. I guess I’d better get my little trowel out and start doing some work. I think if the weather is good at the weekend we will try to get some of them in, so the garden looks nice when granny and grandpa arrive. It will be great to see them, particularly given how much granny spoils me.
Megan was very pleased to get back to dog training last night. She had missed it. I thought that was a slightly odd reaction, but then I never really got to grips with all that obedience stuff, whereas Megan seems quite good at it. Caught between the smell of a rabbit or my Mistress’s voice I always found that for the first five minutes the rabbit would win, but I knew my Mistress would still be there when I was ready. Megan actually leaves the rabbit and comes straight back. Maybe it’s a girl thing.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind