Thursday 24th November 2011

I only came down this morning to find Aristotle in my seat thinking about what he would like to write if I let him do today’s diary as well. That puppy has got ideas above his station. I soon sorted him out and put him back in his place. He looked a little crest fallen and said he was only trying to help. It would be so much easier to be annoyed with him if he didn’t look so cute.

Today we all had a bit of an early start as Megan had a dental appointment first thing this morning in Harrogate. She is having to have an x-ray to check on the work that she had done a few months ago. You should have heard her kicking off when she couldn’t have any breakfast this morning! The vet weighed her and at 22.7kg he said she was perfect. She was thrilled with that and promptly asked if her food ration can now be increased. She was less thrilled by being told she needs to start brushing her teeth every day, although my Mistress has agreed to help her.

Have I told you that my Mistress is in the process of changing her car to something more suitable to carry all of us? I said our two-seater was fine as far as I was concerned and I didn’t know why she was bothered about the others anyway. Apparently we will have crates in the boot of the new one, or at least the others will. I have negotiated to be able to sit next to my Mistress as usual. Part of the reason is Megan’s tendency to chew through her seat belt if she can’t get comfortable, but I don’t see why that has to spoil it for the rest of us. Apparently it’s also so we can leave the tailgate open if the weather is warm so that we are nice and safe and cool. As things are my Mistress when she does a long journey in the summer has to fill up with fuel if she wants to stop so that she can park under the canopy with us out of the sun while she goes to get a coffee. It means she can’t actually stop for long which probably isn’t that good really.

There seems to be a lot to do today so I’d better go and lend a hand. Shadow is being a bit

Aristotle the mad look

of a nuisance as she wants to get in with the puppies and then when she is with them she isn’t very nice to Aristotle so we have to keep an eye on her. It almost makes we want to stick up for the little guy.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –