We seem to be back to getting up early. Megan forgot herself and climbed into bed on the wrong side of the bed. It is fine to climb on my Mistress, she just moves over and makes room. It does not work to climb in on my Master’s side. He just tips you off the bed and sends you back to your own bed, which rather defeats the object. In the end my Mistress decided that it was better to just get up than to stay there until it happened again. It’s a bit depressing getting up while it is till dark outside.
The book group that my Mistress goes to are taking it in turns to read her first novel. It isn’t published yet, but they have been brave enough to try. So far two of them have read it and the second person couldn’t put it down and absolutely loved it. It has certainly given my Mistress a lot of encouragement and she is more determined than ever to find a publisher for it. She is wondering about trying self-publication but then she will have to do all her own promotion and she’s not sure that that is her strength. I did offer to take it on, but she wasn’t sure it was my strength either. It will be very odd at the end of the year because book group are going to discuss the book when they have all read it. I think my Mistress will find that very difficult.
My Mistress talked to our builder about having been on television. He seems to think that if you are planning on having your fifteen minutes of fame then it’s better not to do it just after you’ve fallen off a roof and you don’t look your best. I don’t think he’s in a hurry to repeat the experience!