Thursday 11th February 2010

The starting to move date has come forward by a day. The pressure is starting to build. Because our road isn’t very wide, they are going to use a smaller van and move us over two days. Does anyone have a spare road sign that my Mistress can borrow? She was thinking of ‘borrowing’ one of the diversion signs that is out in the village at the moment, but people might misunderstand that as theft but she’d be quite happy to return it afterwards. She just doesn’t want people to drive up our road and have to reverse all the way back again when they could much more easily go round the other way. She’s thinking that a handmade sign might not have the desired effect. There’s nothing like causing a nuisance! What she can’t work out is how she’s going to split herself between the two houses, even if they are only two hundred yards apart. I did volunteer to be in charge of one of them, but apparently I will be in kennels so that I’m not in the way. How am I going to tell them where I want my things putting if I’m in kennels?

My Mistress is trying to organise a meet up of five friends from university. You’d like to think that wouldn’t be too difficult, except one is coming from Australia, one from America, one from Finland and only two from this country. Then there is the problem that they all want to do different things through the course of the weekend. Next comes the problem that they want to meet in different places. She’s starting to think there may have been a good reason that they all went in their own directions twenty-five years ago!