Monday 29th February 2016 – Leap Year

As I’m not even a year old having 29 days in February does not seem odd to me. What I find more odd is that based on the months I have been around for there isn’t going to be a 30th as well, or a 31st for that matter. Why do different months have a different number of days? Anyway, our Mistress has told me there is a tradition in this country where although historically it was normal for the boy to ask the girl to marry him, on a leap year the girl could ask the boy. I’m too young to be thinking about that for now so it’s not really relevant to me. I’m not sure I’ll get much say in who my future boyfriends are either as for us it works more like arranged marriages. Shadow says it’s all worked out quite well for her so I’ve no need to worry. Given all that is still ages away I’m not even going to think about it for the moment.

I’m a bit anxious as tonight will be my first time in the big class at puppy training and I just know all the other dogs will be better than me and I’ll have to catch up. Our Mistress has promised we’ll work hard together and she’s sure I’ll be ok. Apart from that she says that with going to our other puppy class on Tuesdays there are lots of exercises we’ve been doing where we are already ahead anyway, so she thinks I’ll be fine. I’ve only got two more weeks of basic puppy class on a Tuesday and then, as long as I pass, I should be starting on my bronze in Good Citizen. I’m looking forward to that.


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  1. Hey, is this supposed to be posted by you, Wilma? I see you’re using Ari’s now-de-plume at the mo! Best tell your Mistress, she’ll fix that for you! ?

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