Monday 13th April 2015 – A New Friend

Baxter 1

We had a lovely email from a puppy called Baxter. He’s a Gordon Setter and he is really keen to get started on his training before he’s had all his injections for going out. He looked so cute we thought you’d like to see him too. His human was trying to remember the details of the internet tv channel that Shadow was on for her B litter as they had lots of training information. Unfortunately it seems that that doesn’t exist anymore, which Shadow is really upset about. I’ve reassured her she didn’t break it as we found information about them for about six months after her litter was shown. Anyway, we’ve sent Baxter the information that Shadow sends with her puppies when they go to their homes, but if you know of any sites that give really good training information for young puppies then let us know and we’ll include a link so that Baxter and other youngsters can find them.

One of the funny things that happened while my Mistress was in America was that she actually wore a Pet Dogs Democratic Party ‘One Dog One Vote’ t-shirt while visiting the US Capitol and going into the House of Representatives. It wasn’t deliberate. She didn’t know she was visiting there that day when she put it on. Then when they found they could go in there were signs saying ‘no banners’ and similar things, so she got really worried that the security people wouldn’t like it. She wasn’t sure they would believe the explanation. Anyway, she said she held her coat in front of her the whole time so they couldn’t see it, which I think is a shame to be honest. She should have been proud to have been wearing it. I can however say that my party has been in the American Parliament!

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