Resignation – Monday 1st March 2021
Our chief bird chaser has pawed in her resignation – this is a change in world order and is now confusing all the wildlife as well as the rest of us.
Our chief bird chaser has pawed in her resignation – this is a change in world order and is now confusing all the wildlife as well as the rest of us.
However hard Shadow tries to stop it, spring is springing and just won’t be stopped – just look outside, it’s happening quickly.
How close can I get? The question on my lips yesterday morning was ‘how close can I get?’ Mum was still asleep. I had spent […]
Wilma is getting increasingly concerned about the squirrel nuts situation. It’s worse than that, it’s the whole squirrel situation that bothers her.
Wilma is worried that we’ve got giant birds taking over – Is Mum feeding the wildlife too much, or should they really be that size?
Wilma is excited for Shadow – she just hopes that the present she is buying for her birthday is something she’ll like.
Wilma has been playing games with Mum in the garden and trying to get a photo. Some attempts went better than others.
Wilma has been trying to help count the garden sparrows – How many sparrows are there? It’s hard to tell. She has to watch from indoors or they fly away.
Aristotle says ‘Wildlife recognises me’ as it decides to stay around the garden when he goes out, but is nowhere to be seen if Shadow or Wilma are there.
Wilma wants to explain about the problem of the broken glass and why Mum is more paranoid than normal.
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